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2021 Gateless Writing Workshops 


What's a Gateless Writing Salon?

Salons are built around the Gateless Writing Method , a purely appreciative appraoch to generative writing,. We open with a "sudden prompt " to grease the wheels and get our voices into "the room," followed by  a brief  meditation or reading that brings in a range of work modeling possibility. Longer prompts, a choice of three, are offered.  Next, we move into a quiet time and space to write for  30-40 minutes. We close with an opportunity to share new work and receive appreciative feedback, though sharing is always voluntary. Craft is discussed via the work presented.  

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"My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon."  ~ Mizuta Masahide


Writers can now gather from anywhere as we're meeting online via our Gateless Writers Zoom Cocoon.
Let's write together!!!
"Writing in June" 
  A Gateless Writing Salon Series 
 In-class generative writing,  purely-positive feedback, $120
Come write with us on-line (ZOOM) Tuesdays in June! After a sudden prompt to get the juices flowing, we'll hear a variety of voices, poetry and snippets of prose to inspire. Next, we mute speakers and screens to write "alone among others" for about forty-five minutes. We'll generate new material and share work fresh from the page to receive pearls of purely positive feedback.
When: Tuesday,  6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22  9:00-11:15 AM  
When: Tuesday, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22   6:30-8:45 PM   Full!
"Adventures in Word and Image"
River Writing in East Boothbay 
Daylong workshop, in-person, + art-making, $85


Our day-long waterfront workshop at beautiful Green Landing, East Boothbay includes two "Gateless Writing Salons" and an "Adventure in Word and Image" project.


We'll open with a generative writing session prompted by visual images followed with an art prompt inspired by our words. Both morning and after sessions allow for the opportunity for participants to share their work and receive purely positive feedback.  All levels of experience are welcome. Our practices in "The Gateless Writing Method" and "Sequencing: Making is Knowing," brings out the creative genius in us all. 


Themes include river as metaphor, the ebb and flow of life, the passage of time, and the art of letting go. As well, the landscape and its quieter inhabitants will inspire. 


When:  7/31, 9:00-4:00 

Where: Green Landing, East Boothbay


Price: $85  (Full!)





Coming soon...
In-Person Retreats Will Be Back This Fall 2021!
Save the date for our fall writing retreat By Land and By Sea, October 7-10, 2021. 
Email to reserve and receive updates.
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