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My passion for the creative life began in early childhood when I first reveled in imagination. I just can't seem to stop. In helping others, I'm most curious about the space between impulse and outcome, helping writers and artists navigate what Rilke refers to as the "trackless distances." I meet my clients in conversation, exploring both the known and the hidden, and c0-create with them, in vision-centric discoveries. 


I have a graduate degree in Environmental Communications from Antioch New England Graduate School (1990), an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts (2011), and am certified by the Gestalt International Study Center (2012), the International Coaching Federation (2013), and in the Gateless Writers methodology (2014).  


As a lifelong learner, I attended The Poetry Studio for over ten years. I studied and taught word and image workshops at the River Gallery School of Art in Vermont. I've taken workshops at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and practiced yoga dance since 2008. I'm trained in Strengths Finders, Compassionate Communication, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). My braided studies (heart/mind/body) help me maintain a balance in my diverse interests.


I've volunteered for the Brattleboro Literary Festival and am an active member of the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, attending statewide readings and events and offering writing workshops on-site and on-line. 


My book publications include a linked story collection, They Could Live With Themselves (Press 53) runner up for the Press 53 Award for Short Fiction, finalist for the Maine Book Award finalist, and IPPY Silver Medalalist, and two anthologies, Short Story America Volume IV, in which I am the featured writer for my prize-winning story, "Deep End," and "Rest Stop" in North by Northeast (Littoral Books). I placed second in the 2012 Raymond Carver Short Story Contest through Carve Magazine. My short stories appear in a number of literary magazines. Publications and prizes are listed here.



“She conceived of life as a road down which one traveled, an easy enough road through a broad country, and that one’s destination was there from the very beginning, a measured distance away, standing in the ordinary light like some plain house where one went in and was greeted by respectable people and was shown to a room where everything one had ever lost or put aside was gathered together, waiting.”    
~ Marilynne Robinson, Housekeeping
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